For its size, the Gaam has all the facilities necessary for the current age. Most of these have been set up by the Kanbi community from funds provided by the locals and ex-patriots. Godpar Gaam is proud that some of these primary facilities, such as street lights and water supply, were established much earlier and are run much more efficiently in Godpar than in other nearby villages bigger in size, population and wealth. Some of these facilities are described below.
Gaurakshan or Panjra Pod is formed and run by the Kanbi community. Its purpose is to provide fodder to the cows, considered as sacred by the Hindus, during the drought years
Primary School
The primary school was first established in the year 1940 (Vaisakh Sud Baras on Wednesday VS 1996) on the grounds now occupied by residence house of Mr Devshibhai Karsan Halai. It was moved to what is now known as Leva Patel Samaj complex near Talaav in 1953.ln 1975/76 the school was relocated to its current site near the Gaam entrance (jarnpo).
Nursery (Bal Mandir)
The old school complex was refurbished and converted into Leva Patel Samajwadi, and the Nursery for Kanbi infants was setup in the complex in 1986. Plot of land next to Sarnaj, which was once used for water supply, has been designated as a site for a future Nursery.
There are two Shiv (Mahadev) Mandirs in Godpar; the smaller one is located next to the Gents temple and the larger one in the village square (Chok). Both the Mahadev temples were rebuilt in 1960.
Shiv Mandirs (Mahadev)
Both the ladies and gents Mandirs were first established on the grounds currently occupied by Mr Devshibhai Karsan Halai's residence. Sometime later the ladies temple was moved to the ground currently occupied by Laljibhai Naran Wagjiani's residence. Then in 1950 the ladies temple was relocated to the current site and it was demolished and rebuilt to current shape and size in 1998.
The Gents temple was moved to its present location around 1952 and it was rebuilt in 1956 to its present size. Because of the damage caused by the earthquake on 26 January 2001, it has been deemed prudent to demolish and rebuild the Gents temple with the auspicious day of Dusserra (2nd October 2006) being the day the foundations are laid (Bhumi-Pujan).
Swaminarayan Ladiesand Gents Mandirs
In the past water, used in the households was either from the Talaav near the Samaj or drawn from wells in people's houses. For convenience, the Kanbi community decided to install water distribution system from the well and tank near the Talaav. When the underground water here ran out, the well was relocated to the south of the village beside the road to Dahisra and Mandvi but the existing tank is still used for distribution to the households as it is at a higher level.
In 2008, a drinking water filter was installed. The drinking water is available to everyone free of costs.
Water Supply & Talaav
Chabutro</strong> is built next to the old water supply and Talaav overflow to provide nesting place, water and seeds for birds during needy times.
The Community Centre (Samajwadi) was extended, built, converted, and refurbished in 1984 from what used to be community owned and run primary school. The Samajwadi is used for weddings and related functions and Gaam general functions such as the Diwali function. It also has an infant nursery school and tuition facilities for the community children.
Community Centre (Samajwadi)
The Crematorium</strong> is located to the north of the village with storage and after ceremony bathing facilities on edge of Vathaan. The crematorium was rebuilt in the 1980s and subsequently various improvements have been carried out such as planting of trees.
The Crematorium
One of the two Hanuman Mandirs is in the village square opposite the main Mahadev Mandir. The other is north of the Gaam near Prasad no Otto, where the Kanbi community held Uttsavs on auspicious days.
Hanuman Mandirs:</strong>
Prasad no Ottoat the north of the Gaam is where the Kanbi Community used to hold holy celebrations (Ujamani) on holy days such as Janmastmi and Ram Navmi.
Prasad no Otto
Jamora and Dam provide irrigation water to majority of the village farms where a wide variety of crops such as ground nuts, millet, wheat, rape seed, caster oil, sugarcane, cotton, and vegetables are produced. In the past few years various check-dams have been constructed around the Gaam to provide drinking water for the animals and replenish the underground reservoirs.
Irrigation Dams
The vaadi in which the Chhamakli (Dedo) trees are located is known as Deda vaadi. The pair of trees, a male and a female variety (for cross pollination to bear fruits) are more than 2000 years old. The trunks of Chhamakli are so wide that it takes about 25 people with their hands stretched and finger tips touching each others to surround it. The locals believe that the Chhamakli trees have a spiritual presence and are beneficial for curing chronic coughs. It is a great pride for the villagers that visitors and tourists from all around Gujarat have been known to visit Godpar to marvel at the size of this wondrous trees and to fulfil their alms to the spirit of the tree to cure their ailments.
Vaadi (Garden)
Bank of India established in 1972. Godpar is fortunate to have a branch of a major bank established earlier than other larger and more prosperous nearby villages. The bank is used by Godpar community and residents from surrounding villages and is considered as one of the most successful branches in Kutch.